The beautiful Sian is the newest creative addition to ADC HQ. Coming on board to style the Bluestone Room Cabaret, and RISE 2016, with her fantastic eye for fashion, Sian has also helped behind the scenes on our latest video shoot "Misery", styling the ADC Development Squad Dancers. She has also helped to launch our brand new blog in 2017, becoming ADC's resident blogger last month. Read some of her beautiful work, here.
Sian is also a model, appearing in NZ Fashion Week on the WORLD runway, and dances with ADC in the Lyrical and Hiphop classes. She also works at Huckleberry when she has a spare moment in her busy schedule.

Stewart is a Senior Electrical Engineer in the Royal New Zealand Airforce and is an avid Salsa Dancer.
Stewart Turner is the incredible mind behind all of the Auckland Dance Company set pieces over the past four years. He has created sets for RISE 2010-2013 in support of CanTeen NZ, as well as our sold out back-to-back Libertine Cabaret Shows, transporting our dancers and audiences into a myriad of different worlds. He has taken ADC back to Egypt, the 1920s, into the world of Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" and "Remember The Time" music videos, and tribal sets for Rihanna's "Where Have You Been". He has created fire and lights, beautiful bird cages and works of art, all for the ADC stage.
Stewart helps to bring the performances to life, and has performed in three out of five RISE shows with his Salsa Team. ADC would like to thank him for his time, dedication, and overwhelming talent.
Stewart is a Senior Electrical Engineer in the Royal New Zealand Airforce and is an avid Salsa Dancer.