1. Zinnia

Life can get crazy busy. But having one healthy distraction can make all the difference.
Introducing Zinnia. A rad little ball of energy who’s frequently giggling and most recently found in bridge backbends throughout class. Aside from this, Zinnia is an architect student who spends every other minute intently dedicated to the cause. Sometimes barely sleeping. Then, after uni and dance, buses just under an hour home to Titirangi. Committed. How she finds the time, no one knows.
Zinnia has wanted to get back into dancing for years, originally putting it off in 2014 due to lack of time with Uni. Ironically though, she made the spontaneous decision to join ADC this year, her busiest year yet, “because I just need a distraction from it all!”.
“I study Architecture so I have no spare time, ever. Not even to breathe. Despite this I still go to dance because it's an outlet where I can relieve my stress and just forget about all the madness that's brewing back at uni.”
Before her first class Zinnia confides that she was really nervous. Anxious she might struggle to keep up with everyone and feel like she “sucked”. Within the first five minutes though, she tells me, her nerves completely dissipated, knowing she’d made the right choice. And she must have! Because moments later, when asked on her feelings towards class now, she shares “Class feels like family now. We all get along so well and the feeling of awkwardness is non-existent.” Just a bit cute! I smile and agree.
Zinnia dances lyrical and recently added Hip hop to the timetable. “I love Lyrical because it's a mixture of everything! Despite being way out of my comfort zone. Hip hop is growing on me too - but I feel like I'm not cool enough to pull that off” She laughs then adds, “just kidding, love you, hip hop.”
Dance has really helped Zinnia find normality in the busy life of a student “It's a really good way to make myself feel less like a robotic zombie and more human.” Sometimes life moves incredibly fast and we have no time to be playful. Yet a healthy outlet can be all we need. Something to slow us down. Bring us into the present and reconnect ourselves with simple enjoyment. Things which are necessary to sustaining our busy lives.
If Zinnia can find the time, so can you. And her words of advice to anyone considering taking up dance “If you're like me and find yourself constantly second guessing yourself - stop doing that and give it a go because I'm highly optimistic that you'll love it.”
Thank you, Zinnia! You’re a machine.
Ciao Team xx