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Confidence is key to a thriving life. Dance is an instrument that can get you there.

Nina is fourteen. She’s bright, bubbly and shy. We first made introductions in our shared Lyrical class. Never would I have guessed that just over a month ago she was struggling with severe anxiety. “I started dancing to improve my confidence. Doing private lessons, because there was no way I could do group classes. But… here I am.” Her smile so wide, I feel a sudden rush of excitement for her!

Nina’s mum Jen, in her first emails to ADC expresses “I really hope dancing will help Nina realise bodies are for doing fun things, so she can start worrying less about appearance. It’s really tough for kids these days.” A few transforming lessons later and Jen now shares wholeheartedly with me: 

“It’s amazing. We went from Nina not wanting to get out of the car, to making herself feel the fear and just doing it anyway and en

ding up here.” Life had gotten really small for Nina due to her anxiety and to have found something she feels passionate and excited about, “it’s been life changing.”

Following Nina’s first big step at private lesson number one, Jen sends “Nina had a blast yesterday with Kimberley. She was so nervous beforehand - I wasn’t sure if she’d go through with it. But afterwards she was really keen for more.”

Dance is incredibly positive. Moving attention away from appearance and into presence and expression. A practice that trans

lates beyond the doors of the dance room and into everyday life. “At school I’m a lot happier and confident around friends.” Deep appreciation resonating throughout her.

Immersing herself into four private dance lessons, despite the obstacles, Nina has come out on top - and double whammy - joined multiple group classes. An empowering journey for her and all those supporting her

along the way. She exclaims with bright eyes how she loves the group classes! She loves seeing everyone - feeling connected. 

Jen shares “We came very close to losing Nina, as she was so unwell just months ago. Her recovery has been incredible and I do believe dance is playing a big part in bringing joy and richness back into a life that had become very empty. I believe it could be an anchor for her if things get bad again -  something for her to hold on to in stormy seas… Thanks very much to ADC, Kimberley and Ali f

or getting her there!”

The gratitude and transformation in Nina is incredible and I well up with pride at her story, even though we’ve just met! Welcome to ADC Nina, and thank You, and Jen, for sharing such a personal journey with our readers and I. Looking forward to seeing that contagious smile of yours in class!

P.S Readers – To anyone considering taking up dance classes Nina says “It’s not even scary. But If you’re feeling nervous just go to

the back and no one will notice you! Everyone’s really nice and it’s fun.”

Thank you, Nina. Your story is honest and inspiring.

See Nina and Jen's testimonial here. Thanks for becoming a part of the ADC family. x Sian


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